Hot Girls HD / Photography
We know what you want, high quality photos of girls rated by thousands men. We add new high quality photos of sexy girls every day. A huge community of users rates them anonimously to bring best for you. You can set new wallpaper with girls in bikini every day, like them and share with your friends. Application is optimized for Android 4.2 and uses all its new features. Try out new Daydream option and LockScreen Widget with our app.
All pictures are HD and human-moderated.
- Browse photos filtered by three categories: random, new or best girls.
- Like or Dislike photos anonimously and be a part of huge community of people whos votes can change everything.
- Share liked photos with your friends via twitter, facebook, g+ or any other service that you use.
- Set up fully customizeable and resizeable Widgets on your Home screen or even Lock screen. (with Android 4.2)
- You can put any liked picture on Wallpaper or Save it to SD card.
- LiveWallpaper, see how girls flow at your home screen.
- With Android 4.2 and DayDream feature you can enjoy beautifull high definition photos while your smartphone is idle or charging.
Application is optimized for Android 4.2 devices: Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10.